Guerilla Investments

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Super Simple 3 Step Process

See if we're a good fit

Not everyone is a good fit for these types of transactions. Book a meeting to see if something like this would work for our client.

Agree On Terms

Every situation is different which is why we're happy to accommodate on a case by case basis to provide a win-win-win solution.

Set a closing date

We are flexible to close on your timeline. Most transactions can be completed in 24 days or however long your sellers need.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our company prides ourselves in the unique solutions we may be able to offer to Seller's who may not have gotten what they wanted out of the traditional Sales Process.

What is "Subject to" Transaction?

What is "Subject to" Transaction?

A Subject-To transaction is a creative way where real estate transfers from one owner to another without paying off liens attached to the property. Typically, the mortgage will stay in the sellers name and the house will transfer over to a new buyer who promises to make payments on the seller's behalf.

The Risks:

Seller will need to pay off their debt BEFORE the transfer of property occurs. If that transfer happens and the debt is still in place, the bank has the right to call the loan due (the due on sale clause). However, we have handled a number of these transactions, and we have not had an issue. If you sell to a bad operator who misses payments, it can be incredibly difficult to get the property back since the owner is no longer on the deed which can damage a seller's credit or cause a foreclosure. For these reasons, are team has stopped working Standard Subto - Transactions.

The Benefits:

If the seller is in pre-foreclosure, struggling to make payments on their home, or has to bring money to the table to sell it traditionally, these types of transactions can be helpful to the seller's financial future. If structured correctly, the buyer will bring enough funds to the table to make up for any late or back payments, will take over the property at loan value even if the property's actual market value is much less than that, and in some cases can put some money in the seller's pocket.

What is "Seller Finance" Transaction?

What is "Seller Finance" Transaction?

Seller finance transactions upgrades the seller to a Bank like Status. Straight Seller Finance transactions are possible when the seller has 100% equity in their home - meaning no liens or mortgage attached to the property. The owner of the home can Finance their homes equity to a buyer, structuring a deal where the buyer pays the total agreed on price to the seller over time in increments. A seller and buyer will sign a promissory note agreeing to pay a certain amount for the house, at a certain rate, over a certain time period. At settlement the note with be recorded as a mortgage or deed of trust (depending on the state) showing that the purchaser owes the seller that amount of money.

The Risks:

If a bad operator stops making payments, the previous seller will have to follow state guidelines to foreclose on the individual to get the house back.

The Benefits:

Sellers who are unable to sell their house for top dollar on the open market or don't need all of their equity out immediately can make more money over time using this structure. It is also passive income with no obligation to manage tenants, fix repairs, pay utilities, ect. It is as close to hands off as you can be in real estate and still make money!

What is a "Hybrid" Transaction?

What is a "Hybrid" Transaction?

As the name suggests, a hybrid Transaction is a combination of selling a property subject to the existing mortgage AND financing the any remaining equity left over above the loan balance. These transactions happen when a seller does not need all of their equity out immediately and is comfortable receiving those funds at a later date.

The easiest way to understand this transaction is with a visual. If you have a current mortgage of $100,000 but you want to sell your home for $150,000. In a hybrid Transaction, a buyer would take over your $100,000 mortgage, then pay the $50,000 remaining balance in installments or one large lump sum over time.

The Risk:

Just like the risks for subject to and seller finance, the bank may be upset you sold the property without paying off your debt completely and enact the due on sale clause and/or you may get an operator who stops paying your current mortgage or the seller finance not and you would have to work on foreclosing on that buyer.

The Benefits:

Seller's are able to sell their homes for more money using this strategy. We see these transactions a lot with homes that have been sitting on the market at a high price, sellers usually are able to sell at the price they want with the strategy even though the market is suggesting it may not be worth that amount.

What is a Lease Option?

A lease option in real estate is a contractual agreement where a tenant leases a property with the option to purchase it at a later date. It's a creative financing strategy often used by buyers who may not be able to qualify for a traditional mortgage immediately or by sellers looking to attract a broader pool of buyers. The arrangement has two key components:

1. Lease Agreement: The tenant agrees to lease (rent) the property for a specific period, usually 1-3 years. The lease functions like a standard rental agreement where the tenant pays monthly rent to the landlord/seller.

2. Option to Purchase: The tenant has the option, but not the obligation, to buy the property at a pre-agreed price before or at the end of the lease term. To secure this option, the tenant typically pays an option fee, which is often non-refundable. This fee can range from 1% to 5% of the property's price. Sometimes, a portion of the monthly rent may also be credited toward the purchase price (often called "rent credit").

What is a land Trust?

A land trust is a legal arrangement where the ownership of real estate property is transferred to a trustee for the benefit of one or more beneficiaries. The land trust allows the beneficiaries to retain control over the property while keeping their identity and ownership private. This strategy is a unique way to complete a creative finance transaction and provides the seller a strong layer of protection against their bank or bad operators. Feel free to reach out to our team to learn more.

How these transactions work

  • All our transactions are legal and binding. Depending on the type of the transaction and the location, either Title Companies and/or Attorneys assist us with these transactions and make sure they are settled with the proper paperwork and within the laws of each state we operate in. Just like a traditional sale, the title company will

    - hold our earnest money deposit

    - complete a full title and lien search

    - handle funds from all parties and ensure money is sent where it needs to go on behalf of everyone involved.

  • Our team is completely transparent of our process and we would be happy to share blank copies of our paperwork and explain our process fully over a video or phone call.

  • Due to the unique nature of these transactions, we feel most comfortable walking everyone involved in the transaction through the paperwork and triple confirming each party understands the terms we are agreeing on and how the transaction will be moving forward.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out!

What questions should you be asking?

When presented with a creative finance offer, Seller's and agents that represent them should always be asking the following questions

How is the seller protected from the Due on Sale Clause?

You want to make sure there are protections here and the operator has a plan of action if this loan is called due.

Transfer to a living trust or land trust:

Some investors use strategy where the property is transferred to a trust, and then the beneficial interest in the trust is assigned to the buyer.

Consult legal experts:

Work with knowledgeable attorneys and transaction coordinators who understand the intricacies of due-on-sale clauses.

What happens if the buyer missed a payment?

The operator should have a clear answer here. If they try to sell you on a "performance deed" or "deed in-lieu" scenario, please make note, these documents are not well recognized legally and can be easily challenged by bad operators. Everyone should be using what is called a 3rd party servicing company, this will alert your sellers when a payment is missed so sellers can be aware if the loan is current or not. Without putting the property in a land trust, the only way the seller can get their property back after missed payments is to foreclose on their buyers. NOTE: Foreclosing on a buyer is only possible in wraparound mortgage transactions or Seller Financed Transactions. Standard "Subject to" transactions do not have any clear path for a seller to get their property back once they have been separated from the deed.

How can I afford my next purchase with this loan in place? DTI (Debt To Income)

If you plan on buying a new property now or in the near future it is important to discuss that with the individual offering to buy your property creatively. You should be speaking with a loan officer to see if keeping your current mortgage in place is possible when buying a new one. A good operator will use a Third Party Servicing Company to track the payments they are making on your behalf and for you to have statements you can show to a loan officer to help you afford your next property. Showing that you are not the one making payments on your current mortgage should increase your debt to income ratio helping you qualify for you next purchase.

What if my client is filing bankruptcy?

It is possible for homeowners that sell their property creatively to file bankruptcy and exclude the debt of their current home. Please make sure to communicate with the operator you are working with to help them understand what you are going through and help them prepare for any inquiries that may arise from the bankruptcy process.

How long will this agreement stay in place?

These agreements are for the life of the loan, if that is not possible for you to keep this agreement in place for that long, please alert the individual you are negotiating with to see if there is another creative solution that may help you move on from your current home.

What are your plans with the property?

Understanding how the operator is planning to use the property is important. It will help weed out the bad operators, for instance, if your property is in an HOA that does not allow AirBnBs and the operator is telling you that they plan to use this as a short term rental, that operator may have an issue affording your mortgage over time if their original plan is not possible.

We utilize several Exit Strategies (money making strategies) to ensure we have multiple options to profit on our investments.

Learn More.

What is level of experience would you want to see to move forward?

Understanding how many successful transactions the operator has been a part of is extremely important. With access to free information it can be difficult to tell who has been watching YouTube and TikTok vs. someone with decades of experience and hundreds of thousands of dollars investing in their real estate education.

Learn more about our team here.

How are agent commissions calculated in this type of sale?

Typically we pay agent commissions based on the total value of the sale. In most cases we pay 3%.

What is an agents liability in the transaction?

This is a completely legal transaction but you should always check in with your broker to make sure they will support you representing a seller through these transactions and what steps you may need to take to follow through with a creative finance offer.



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