Guerilla Investments

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1 904-440-1999


Our goal is simple, we aim educate Sellers, Agents, and Buyers on the creative strategies beyond the traditional sales process and structure deals where EVERYONE in the transaction can reach their goals.

What do we stand for?

Mission and Purpose

Our team is obsessed with finding creative solutions for real estate transactions where the tradition sales process is failing. We have seen too many people lose money, their home, or both due to the unpredictability of the economy and the inflated real estate market.

We also understand how frustrating it could be for agents involved in these transactions to spend so much, time, energy, effort, and a lot of times their own money to market a property and receive zero money for their work.

There are also a massive amount of people shut out of the real estate market who earn a decent living wage but might not meet the strict requirements to qualify for a mortgage or worse, priced out of the inflated market where they no longer can afford a decent sized home for them and their family.



These are the transactions Guerillas Investments has been a part of while the combine years spanning 100's transactions from individual team members aren't shown

Our team has over 30 years of real estate experience. Our company has completed transactions throughout the United States creative or otherwise.

We have flipped properties, we own properties that we currently lease out, and we have a huge network of partners that we work with to provide unique solutions to Seller's who may be struggling to sell on the open market.



Fresh, creative solutions.



Honesty and transparency.



Top-notch services.

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