Guerilla Investments

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ATTENTION: Real Estate Agents and sellers

Here's why we no longer preform subject to "SubTo" transactions

Our lawyers have advised us that in order to provide the most protection for your clients/you, we should only be preforming mirror wrap transactions. This is where a second note and deed of trust are secured against the property in your clients/your name. This will give your clients/you the most protection in this type of transaction.

Even if you choose not to work with us or are working with someone else we are always happy to be a resource. We have completed several dozen creative transactions in the last year and strive to ensure win-win-win scenarios for all parties.

If you're an agent or seller interested in how our process works book a meeting or give us a call.

Still not sure?

Still have questions?

We understand these transactions are complex and you should have questions.

What is "Subject to" Transaction?

A Subject-To transaction is a creative way where real estate transfers from one owner to another without paying off liens attached to the property. Typically, the mortgage will stay in the sellers name and the house will transfer over to a new buyer who promises to make payments on the seller's behalf. Learn More

What is "Seller Finance" Transaction?

Seller finance transactions upgrades the seller to a Bank like Status. Straight Seller Finance transactions are possible when the seller has 100% equity in their home - meaning no liens or mortgage attached to the property. Learn More

What is a "Hybrid" Transaction?

As the name suggests, a hybrid Transaction is a combination of selling a property subject to the existing mortgage AND financing the any remaining equity left over above the loan balance. These transactions happen when a seller does not need all of their equity out immediately and is comfortable receiving those funds at a later date.
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